Pastor Visits the Creation Museum with Secular Student Alliance

Creation Museum
Image via Wikipedia

Pastor Aaron Gardner describes his experience visiting the Creation Museum along with several atheist and agnostic students with the Secular Student Alliance (SSA).  He makes some interesting observations about the reaction of Christians to the group.

While I did not have [an SSA or atheist] T-shirt (a symbol anyway) it was obvious that there was a distinctive way that we were being treated because of the shared identification.  There were hateful glances, exaggerated perceptions, waxing surveillance by security, and anxious but strong ‘amens’ accompanying a lecture on “The Ultimate Proof of Creation” by Dr. Jason Lisle.

There have rarely been times in my life that I have been ashamed of people that I call “brothers and sisters in Christ.”  This was one of them.  To be judged by people that share my beliefs because of the name tag I wore was appalling [Aaron attended with the SSA group and had an SSA name tag].  We forget that Jesus not only commanded that we love our enemies and pray for them, but he also sought out people who were rejected by the religious order, embraced them, spent time with them, and partied with them.  It was not a covert operation to get them to say the sinner’s prayer (which was not invented until the 20th century) and get them to change their ways.  Jesus knew that spending time with them was like good medicine: those who are well do not need a doctor. (Read the rest here)

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